Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Years Resolutions

First off, let me apologize yet again, for being a blog slacker. I know I always complain about not having enough time, and to be's true...I could totally use a couple more "non-work" hours in each day. Hell, a couple in a week would be nice!

But, I digress...

Let's talk about New Years Resolutions. We've just celebrated the New Year and of course it's time for everyone to reflect on the past year and make their resolutions. Somehow it seems that during these first few weeks of January the gym fills up, the diets begin and then a month from now, we've all returned to our old ways.

This year, I, like everyone else, have made the resolution to be more conscious of what I eat and to get back to the gym (y'all I've been a spotty gym goer over the past few months...I'm trying to get back into it...wish me luck), but I've also decided that I need to seriously work on something. And I need to make a real "Life Resolution". I've got to work on my patience. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I'm a Type "A", high strung, control freak in some aspects of my life. Now, in other aspects of my life I'll say I can actually be what some might call "Kind of" laid back.

BUT, as you can imagine, this is not about my being "kind of" laid back...but about my control freak, high-stress nature. I've got to work on my attitude and my stress levels. I like things done a certain way, and I'll be the first to admit that I think that MY WAY is always the RIGHT WAY. I don't like to procrastinate, I despise being late. In school I didn't like to turn assignments in on time, I liked to turn them in early...yeah I'm that kid.

So, what do you ask, is wrong with that? (Aside from the fact that it has a tendency to drive other people crazy) when I encounter procrastination, lateness or just people/things that are working like dogs to the last minute because he/she/it procrastinated I tend to get a short temper. I know that subconsciously I grit my teeth, I scream REALLY UGLY, SCARY words in my head and I tense my back and shoulders and become a less than pleasant person to be around. Herein lies the problem. I need to relax, I need to let it roll right off my back, but I can't. SOOOO this year, I'm working on figuring out how the hell you deal with people and things that don't do what you want them to without FREAKING OUT on a daily basis. Anyone got any pointers?

I'm trying to make a life change, an attitude change. I want to make a change that will last...not something that I'll stop making an effort to change in a few weeks when I get tired of going to the gym! And now, I'm going to pour myself a glass of wine, and cook a wonderful dinner for my amazing husband and try to relax. Try to let it go...