Sunday, November 2, 2014

28 Week Bumpdate!

HEEELLLLOOOOO THIRD Trimester!!!! *Pardon the lack of picture and the fact that this post is WAY's been a crazy week!!!

How far along: 28 Weeks! We've reached the seven month mark and officially entered the THIRD and final trimester! So crazy!!!! 12 weeks to go!

Baby Size: Sweet baby girl is about the size of a head of cauliflower. She's about 16 inches long and weighs about 2,5 pounds. She is steadily gaining weight and a little baby fat and her brain is developing rapidly. At this point, though it would be difficult, her lungs are developed and could breathe air.  

Weight gain: I have an appointment this week, but based on my last appointment I'm up about 20 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. We've moved to seeing the doctor every two weeks!

Maternity clothes: Full time

Sleep: Sleep is getting a little more difficult....mainly because I can't seem to turn my brain off. Usually, once I get to sleep, I sleep really well...but if I wake up, I am noticing that I'm starting to have a harder time falling back to sleep.

Gender: GIRL!!!!!

Movement: She is moving like crazy and I love it! It is getting so fun now with all of her movements. She's even starting to let a few friends of mine feel her crazy dance moves!

Best moment this week: Adam and I had a nice weekend at home. We had dinner with some good friends and went to a soccer game for our friends' little boy. And I ended the week on a high note with a little girls dinner on Monday night to end week 27 and kick off the crazy busy season of work. It was the perfect way to relax. There was a lot of laughter and good food...always a good combination!

Looking forward to: I'm looking forward to another great weekend at home. We're planning to do some yard work and I'm getting a prenatal massage on Sunday! I can't wait for that! It will be much needed after this crazy week! We're also going to our friends' house for a little Halloween get together on Friday night. It will be very low key and relaxed with a fire pit, chili, and lots of trick or treaters!

Food cravings: No serious cravings. Fruit, as usual and all things pumpkin: cheesecake, pancakes, etc. I found a great recipe on Cupcakes and Cashmere for Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Pancakes...yes, we will be having these on Saturday morning!!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing, but I am really paying attention to my portions. I am also not really feeling the urge to snack like I was a few weeks ago. I'm eating fewer, smaller meals these days, but it seems to be working out well for me. I'm getting full quickly and staying full longer...I guess that's a good sign that baby girl is growing!

What I miss: I am REALLY missing red wine right now. I really haven't missed alcohol at all until it started to cool off and now I would LOVE to have a glass of red wine...almost there! And, as usual, I'm ready to have my normal, non-swollen feel back!!

Symptoms: Lots of swelling in my feet...standard. These next few weeks are going to be really busy, so I'm trying to make a conscious effort to slow down and find time to kick my feet up...even if it means sacrificing some things that I love. Time to slow it down a little!

Nursery: We've got a big update coming soon! Things are really starting to come together!!!

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Mood: Great! I'm excited and feeling really good for the most part. As I've mentioned we're starting our busiest time at work and I'm excited that it is finally beginning and I can start checking things off my list! We've got some really exciting weekends coming up with baby showers, a little early Christmas shopping and soon, Thanksgiving! What a great time of year...I'm looking forward to lots of fun times with family and great friends!

Workouts: I walked about 13 miles this week. It was a pretty busy week so I didn't get quite as much walking in as I would have liked, but all in all, I feel good about my workouts this week. I really need to step it up with....and by that I mean get back into...prenatal yoga. My goal, starting this week, is to try and do my prenatal yoga video or another yoga-esque video twice a week for the remainder of my pregnancy. Hopefully that will get us ready for a good, healthy delivery!

Time is flying and it is both exciting and scary. Adam and I are trying to squeeze in as much together time as we can while it's just the two of us. We just booked a weekend in Charlotte for the end of November and I'm really looking forward to that time together. Things at home, in general, and in the nursery, are really coming together. And as usual, we are so thankful for this blessing. We can't wait to meet this sweet baby girl! 

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